straight talk call records

Can I look up straight talk phone records.
Straight Talk International Calls
Straight Talk -
I would like to know who my fiance is calling and texting with straight talk phone.
Hi jmelvin1. My name is StraightTalk Stephanie and I will be addressing your question. We can provide your call detail records at a one time courtesy.
Straight talk phone bill if subpoenaed. Is there any way i can download an app from straight talk that will allow me see restricted phone call numbers?
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Hi jamienp87. My name is Straight Talk Charisse and I will be addressing your question. We are a prepaid service provider. We do not provide the Call Detail Records

Items required: 1. name, 2. addr, 3. phone num for which call detail record is being Is this some kind of phishing scam? LOL. Originally Posted by powruser Is
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HowTo: Requesting call detail records. Straight Talk Home Phone International Straight
straight talk call records
straight talk call records
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